Nebraska Force Novice
- Nebraska Force Novice is our half season program that begins in November for athletes born between 2010-2020. Their season ends in March. These girls learn a dynamic routine to perform while learning to love competition cheer. This team is great for first year cheerleaders that want to try cheerleading before committing to a full year squad. These members practice once a week for 90 minutes. These teams will perform in the Novice divisions and their routine will be 1:30 long. Their performances will be evaluated not ranked.
Nebraska Force Prep
- Nebraska Force Prep is very comparable to the teams we've had in the past. These athletes are born between 2006-2020. Their season runs June-May. This is a perfect program for the athletes who are working on mastering higher level tumbling/stunting skills, or want the full year experience but are newer to the sport. Level 1 prep teams have no prerequisites. Levels 2.1 and higher prep teams have tumbling and stunting prerequisites. Athletes will be placed using the skills checklist and by age. Prep teams practice twice a week with a 90 minute practice and a 150 minute practice which includes tumbling. Prep teams have the option of attending a large end of season competition for additional fee. Additional practices may be added as needed. Practices and performances are mandatory.
Nebraska Force Elite
- Nebraska Force Elite is for athletes who have already mastered elite-level skills and are fully dedicated to their team. Members are born between 2006-2020 and their season runs June-May. Athletes on Elite teams have little or no absences and prioritize cheer over other sports. Elite teams will hire professional choreographer(s) and will have a more challenging routine to score max points. Making any Elite level team would be considered a major accomplishment- no matter what level! Elite teams practice twice a week with a 120 minute practice and a 150 minute practice which includes tumbling. Elite teams will travel to a large end of season competition. Additional practices may be added as needed. Practices and performances are mandatory.